Infections of the Central Nervous System: Pathology and Genetics
Edisi/Tahun 1/2020
Pengarang Fabrice Chretien, Kum Thong Wong, Leroy R. Sharer
ISBN 9781119467762
Penerbit John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Infections of the Central Nervous System-Pathology and Genetics is a complete clinical reference on CNS infections from the International Society of Neuropathology and the Pasteur Institute, Paris. This book contains an inclusive contents list of both common and rare disorders affecting the central nervous system. A team of internationally-recognized experts provide clinical, pathological and genetic information on a wide range of viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and other infectious diseases.

Templated, easily-referenced chapters provide definitions, microbiological characteristics specific to the agent, information on genetics and pathogenesis, animal modes, and treatment of each CNS infection. Clinical features presented include appropriate investigations-biochemistry, electrophysiology, CSF analysis, specific laboratory tests, and imaging- and important differential diagnosis,. detailed entries include incidence and prevalence, geographical distribution, risk factors, and other epidemiological data. The pathology of each infection includes histopathology, electron microscopy, and immunocytochemistry. This authoritative volume: Offers 50 chapters coveringa wide range of CNS infections; Provides definitions of each disorder, major synonyms, and historical perspective; Includes general chapters on the classification and pathophysiology of CNS infections; Contains over 190 illustrations and tables, online resources, and nearly 1000 references; Presents clinical approaches to patients with CNS infections.

Infections of the Central Nervous System, Neuropathology and Genetics is an essential reference for neurologists, pathologists, neuropathologists, infectious disease specialists and general physicians in internal medicine.