Exercise Biochemistry
Edisi/Tahun 2nd/2020
Pengarang Vassilis Mougios
ISBN 978-1-4925-2904-0
Penerbit Human Kinetics

Exercise Biochemistry, Second Edition, offers a clear explanation of how exercise affects molecular-level functioning in a thletes and nonathletes, both healthy and disesed. Written in an engaging and conversational style. It uses simple language supported by ample analogies and numerous illustrations to drive home important concepts for students without compromising scientific accuracy and content.

With significantly updated research, the second edition of Exercise Biochemistry is a complete compilation, from basic topics to more advanced, in-depth to topics. It includes coverage of metabolism, endocrinology, and assessment all in one volume. this edition also adds the following: A chapter on vitamins and minerals present in the human diet; An evidence-based chapter showing how appropriate exercise prescription can mobilize biochemical mechanisms in the body to fight disease; Updated information on nucleic acids and gene expression, including exercise genetics, RNA interference, and epigenetics; An examination of caffeine as an ergogenic aid to better demonstrate the relationship between caffeine and fatigue; Up-to-date findings on how different types of exercise affect lipid metabolism and the use of individual fatty acids during exercise.

Exercise Biochemistry, Second Edition, is an authoritative resource that will arm future sport and exercise scientists with a clear understanding of the effects of exercise on the function of the human body.